Legal Notice

Responsible for contents and editing on the LIV_IN website:
Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU)
Institute for Managing Sustainability
Welthandelsplatz 1, Gebäude D1
1020 Wien, Österreich

Supervisory authority with jurisdiction over WU
Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung, BMBWF)

The materials and information provided on the LIV_IN website has been reviewed with great care. However, the WU cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or validity of the information provided. Any liability on the part of the WU is therefore expressly excluded. Links to external websites have been carefully chosen. However, since the WU has no control over the contents of external websites, the WU assumes no responsibility for them.

On its web pages, the WU publishes content (texts, pictures, graphics, etc.) that is subject to the following terms and conditions of use:

  • The WU and/or the authors of the individual pages hold the rights of use for the texts, pictures, graphics, designs, and source code on and all sub-sites.
  • Creating, using, and distributing copies of the content indicated above, in electronic or hardcopy format, is permissible only if these activities are carried out under the legal regulations for license-free usage („freie Werknutzung“), exclusively for private purposes, and if the content remains unaltered and the LIV_IN project is duly referenced as the author with the following note: „© LIV_IN project (LIVING INNOVATION -grant agreement No 787991),2020“. If you want to regularly re-use content from LIVING INNOVATION, please contact us beforehand by email :
  • The content may not be used in any way that suggests that the WU endorses or supports a specific use use of its content.
  • It is permissible to add links to the WU web content that are unequivocally recognizable as such, e.g. in the following form:

Credits for graphics shown on the LIV_IN website

Any further questions should be directed to the LIV-IN project exclusively by email to: